Marketing Campaign Analysis¶
Imagine that Freedom ran a recent marketing campaign to promote the value proposition of how the debt relief program helps people achieve financial freedom. Suppose the cost of this campaign was $6 million and five months of data is provided. Let’s say campaign took place over the course of the third month. You now want to show the marketing, sales and operations teams just how successful this campaign was.
Provide a quantitative assessment of whether the marketing campaign was successful.
Based on the provided data, recommend ways the campaign strategy can also be applied in the future to improve performance.
Data Preprocessing¶
# import dependencies
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# read in the data
calendar_df = pd.read_csv('./datasets/calendar.csv')
client_df = pd.read_csv('./datasets/clients.csv')
deposit_df = pd.read_csv('./datasets/deposits.csv')
# view client data
client_id | client_geographical_region | client_residence_status | client_age | |
0 | 538839486596724 | Northeast | Rent | 91 |
1 | 321708286091707 | West | Own | 83 |
2 | 848531901757235 | Midwest | Own | 84 |
3 | 854405182328779 | Northeast | Own | 83 |
4 | 769102176031316 | West | Own | 85 |
# view deposit data
client_id | deposit_type | deposit_amount | deposit_cadence | deposit_date | |
0 | 446495122764671 | Actual Deposit | 303.0 | Monthly | 2019-10-23 |
1 | 446495122764671 | Actual Deposit | 303.0 | Monthly | 2019-09-23 |
2 | 446495122764671 | Scheduled Deposit | 303.0 | Monthly | 2019-09-23 |
3 | 446495122764671 | Scheduled Deposit | 303.0 | Monthly | 2019-10-23 |
4 | 446495122764671 | Scheduled Deposit | 303.0 | Monthly | 2019-06-23 |
# View calendar data
gregorian_date | month_name | |
0 | 2019-06-01 | Month 1 |
1 | 2019-06-02 | Month 1 |
2 | 2019-06-03 | Month 1 |
3 | 2019-06-04 | Month 1 |
4 | 2019-06-05 | Month 1 |
# Merge the data
df = pd.merge(client_df, deposit_df, on='client_id')
df = pd.merge(df, calendar_df, left_on='deposit_date', right_on="gregorian_date")
client_id | client_geographical_region | client_residence_status | client_age | deposit_type | deposit_amount | deposit_cadence | deposit_date | gregorian_date | month_name | |
0 | 538839486596724 | Northeast | Rent | 91 | Actual Deposit | 10000.0 | Extra | 2019-07-11 | 2019-07-11 | Month 2 |
1 | 773610304672603 | West | Rent | 24 | Scheduled Deposit | 100.0 | Biweekly | 2019-07-11 | 2019-07-11 | Month 2 |
2 | 773610304672603 | West | Rent | 24 | Actual Deposit | 100.0 | Biweekly | 2019-07-11 | 2019-07-11 | Month 2 |
3 | 552219454660531 | West | Own | 85 | Scheduled Deposit | 290.0 | Biweekly | 2019-07-11 | 2019-07-11 | Month 2 |
4 | 55107102575545 | Midwest | Own | 83 | Scheduled Deposit | 438.0 | Monthly | 2019-07-11 | 2019-07-11 | Month 2 |
# Drop greogorian date column
df = df.drop(columns=['gregorian_date'])
# View the data
client_id | client_geographical_region | client_residence_status | client_age | deposit_type | deposit_amount | deposit_cadence | deposit_date | month_name | |
0 | 538839486596724 | Northeast | Rent | 91 | Actual Deposit | 10000.0 | Extra | 2019-07-11 | Month 2 |
1 | 773610304672603 | West | Rent | 24 | Scheduled Deposit | 100.0 | Biweekly | 2019-07-11 | Month 2 |
2 | 773610304672603 | West | Rent | 24 | Actual Deposit | 100.0 | Biweekly | 2019-07-11 | Month 2 |
3 | 552219454660531 | West | Own | 85 | Scheduled Deposit | 290.0 | Biweekly | 2019-07-11 | Month 2 |
4 | 55107102575545 | Midwest | Own | 83 | Scheduled Deposit | 438.0 | Monthly | 2019-07-11 | Month 2 |
# Show columns with values that are null
client_id 0 client_geographical_region 0 client_residence_status 0 client_age 0 deposit_type 0 deposit_amount 0 deposit_cadence 0 deposit_date 0 month_name 0 dtype: int64
Exploratory Data Analysis¶
Client Activity¶
# Print unique active clients each month
# Print a space
# Print total number of unique clients
print(f'Total number of unique clients: {len(df.client_id.unique())}')
month_name Month 1 77827 Month 2 80205 Month 3 108505 Month 4 107494 Month 5 106363 Name: client_id, dtype: int64 Total number of unique clients: 46347
# Graph unique active clients each month
df.groupby('month_name').client_id.count().plot(kind='bar', title='Unique Active Clients Each Month')
<Axes: title={'center': 'Unique Active Clients Each Month'}, xlabel='month_name'>
Regional Analysis¶
# Break down data by region
client_geographical_region Midwest 88185 Northeast 78576 South 108004 West 205629 Name: client_id, dtype: int64
# Calculate the month over month increase in active clients per region
df.groupby(['client_geographical_region', 'month_name']).client_id.count().unstack().pct_change(axis='columns') * 100
month_name | Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 |
client_geographical_region | |||||
Midwest | NaN | 3.398435 | 34.776679 | 0.480648 | -0.745217 |
Northeast | NaN | 3.151110 | 38.154748 | -1.200514 | -1.418560 |
South | NaN | 2.167886 | 31.361589 | -1.850781 | -0.761849 |
West | NaN | 3.356436 | 36.530015 | -0.950134 | -1.193106 |
# Store the month over month increase in active clients per region in a variable
month_over_month_increase = df.groupby(['client_geographical_region', 'month_name']).client_id.count().unstack().pct_change(axis='columns') * 100
# Graph the month over month increase in active clients per region
month_over_month_increase.plot(kind='bar', title='Month Over Month Increase in Active Clients Per Region')
<Axes: title={'center': 'Month Over Month Increase in Active Clients Per Region'}, xlabel='client_geographical_region'>
# View client residence data
client_residence_status Own 345432 Rent 134962 Name: count, dtype: int64
# Calculate the month over month change in client residence status per region
df.groupby(['client_geographical_region', 'client_residence_status', 'month_name']).client_id.count().unstack().pct_change(axis='columns')*100
month_name | Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | |
client_geographical_region | client_residence_status | |||||
Midwest | Own | NaN | 2.707711 | 37.890938 | -0.109043 | -0.953351 |
Rent | NaN | 4.899329 | 28.150992 | 1.830587 | -0.277823 | |
Northeast | Own | NaN | 3.362723 | 38.147193 | -1.493395 | -1.355685 |
Rent | NaN | 2.417348 | 38.181187 | -0.175835 | -1.635632 | |
South | Own | NaN | 1.301083 | 35.048703 | -3.568009 | -0.529521 |
Rent | NaN | 3.675577 | 25.095224 | 1.299918 | -1.167630 | |
West | Own | NaN | 2.814803 | 38.543788 | -1.749922 | -1.392645 |
Rent | NaN | 4.995127 | 30.563936 | 1.564166 | -0.586279 |
# Store the month over month change in client residence status per region in a variable
month_over_month_residence = df.groupby(['client_geographical_region', 'client_residence_status', 'month_name']).client_id.count().unstack().pct_change(axis='columns')*100
# Graph the month over month change in client residence status per region
month_over_month_residence.plot(kind='bar', title='Month Over Month Change in Client Residence Status Per Region')
<Axes: title={'center': 'Month Over Month Change in Client Residence Status Per Region'}, xlabel='client_geographical_region,client_residence_status'>
Client Age Analysis¶
# View client age data
count 480394.000000 mean 52.192469 std 13.773928 min 21.000000 25% 41.000000 50% 52.000000 75% 62.000000 max 105.000000 Name: client_age, dtype: float64
# View client age as histogram
<Axes: >
Client Deposit Analysis¶
# View month over month deposit type by region
df.groupby(['client_geographical_region', 'deposit_type', 'month_name']).deposit_type.count().unstack().pct_change(axis='columns')*100
month_name | Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | |
client_geographical_region | deposit_type | |||||
Midwest | Actual Deposit | NaN | 4.030738 | 34.076655 | 1.340956 | -1.046261 |
Scheduled Deposit | NaN | 2.799890 | 35.447263 | -0.335140 | -0.454950 | |
Northeast | Actual Deposit | NaN | 3.733553 | 38.163945 | -0.550838 | -1.592430 |
Scheduled Deposit | NaN | 2.605210 | 38.146034 | -1.816204 | -1.251661 | |
South | Actual Deposit | NaN | 2.651077 | 30.449983 | -0.380392 | -0.650872 |
Scheduled Deposit | NaN | 1.723771 | 32.207113 | -3.196455 | -0.866367 | |
West | Actual Deposit | NaN | 3.705574 | 35.877770 | 0.058239 | -1.249161 |
Scheduled Deposit | NaN | 3.034884 | 37.134635 | -1.876312 | -1.140605 |
# Store month over month deposit type by region in a variable
month_over_month_deposit = df.groupby(['client_geographical_region', 'deposit_type', 'month_name']).deposit_type.count().unstack().pct_change(axis='columns')*100
# Graph month over month deposit type by region
month_over_month_deposit.plot(kind='bar', title='Month Over Month Deposit Type by Region')
<Axes: title={'center': 'Month Over Month Deposit Type by Region'}, xlabel='client_geographical_region,deposit_type'>
# View the deposit type as a bar chart
<Axes: xlabel='deposit_type'>
# View month over month deposit cadence by region
df.groupby(['client_geographical_region', 'deposit_cadence', 'month_name']).deposit_cadence.count().unstack().pct_change(axis='columns')*100
month_name | Month 1 | Month 2 | Month 3 | Month 4 | Month 5 | |
client_geographical_region | deposit_cadence | |||||
Midwest | Biweekly | NaN | 3.225327 | 33.966883 | 2.214101 | -0.315457 |
Extra | NaN | 32.142857 | 51.351351 | -16.326531 | -5.182927 | |
Monthly | NaN | 2.782752 | 34.955100 | -0.466779 | -1.007783 | |
Northeast | Biweekly | NaN | 3.127102 | 37.691555 | -0.153919 | -1.399265 |
Extra | NaN | 24.342105 | 92.592593 | -17.582418 | -1.666667 | |
Monthly | NaN | 2.675120 | 37.033133 | -1.516650 | -1.428412 | |
South | Biweekly | NaN | 3.023699 | 28.291909 | -0.144270 | -0.526316 |
Extra | NaN | 17.803030 | 68.488746 | -12.213740 | -6.086957 | |
Monthly | NaN | 1.169703 | 32.467779 | -2.647017 | -0.749559 | |
West | Biweekly | NaN | 3.948517 | 34.641483 | 1.007949 | -0.869297 |
Extra | NaN | 6.846473 | 85.436893 | -15.183246 | -0.246914 | |
Monthly | NaN | 2.834051 | 36.623578 | -1.862014 | -1.465427 |
# Store month over month deposit cadence by region in a variable
month_over_month_cadence = df.groupby(['client_geographical_region', 'deposit_cadence', 'month_name']).deposit_cadence.count().unstack().pct_change(axis='columns')*100
# Graph month over month deposit cadence by region
month_over_month_cadence.plot(kind='bar', title='Month Over Month Deposit Cadence by Region')
<Axes: title={'center': 'Month Over Month Deposit Cadence by Region'}, xlabel='client_geographical_region,deposit_cadence'>
# Graph the deposit cadence each month
df.groupby('month_name').deposit_cadence.count().plot(kind='line', title='Deposit Cadence Each Month')
<Axes: title={'center': 'Deposit Cadence Each Month'}, xlabel='month_name'>
# Plot the number of unique clients by month
df.groupby('month_name').client_id.nunique().plot(kind='line', title='Number of Unique Clients by Month')
<Axes: title={'center': 'Number of Unique Clients by Month'}, xlabel='month_name'>
# Plot the number of clients by month
df.groupby('month_name').client_id.count().plot(kind='line', title='Number of Clients by Month')
<Axes: title={'center': 'Number of Clients by Month'}, xlabel='month_name'>
# Plot the sum of deposits that occurred each month
df.groupby('month_name').deposit_amount.sum().plot(kind='line', title='Sum of Deposits by Month')
<Axes: title={'center': 'Sum of Deposits by Month'}, xlabel='month_name'>
# View the change in deposits from month to month
month_name Month 1 NaN Month 2 601600.41 Month 3 9788625.83 Month 4 -1159237.37 Month 5 -434644.50 Name: deposit_amount, dtype: float64
# Plot average deposit amount by month
df.groupby('month_name').deposit_amount.mean().plot(kind='line', title='Average Deposit Amount by Month')
<Axes: title={'center': 'Average Deposit Amount by Month'}, xlabel='month_name'>
# Show summary statistics for deposit amount
count 480394.000000 mean 365.207130 std 346.644434 min 0.010000 25% 200.000000 50% 290.000000 75% 452.000000 max 30000.000000 Name: deposit_amount, dtype: float64
# View the distribution of deposit amount
# Adjust the x-axis to see the distribution
df['deposit_amount'].plot.hist(bins=100, xlim=(0, 2500))
<Axes: ylabel='Frequency'>
# Plot the deposit amount by month as a line graph
df.groupby('month_name').deposit_amount.sum().plot(kind='bar', title='Deposit Amount by Month')
plt.ylabel('Deposit Amount')
# Export the graph as a png
plt.savefig('./datasets/images/deposit_amount_by_month.png', bbox_inches="tight")
# Show the graph
# Print the sum of deposits each month
month_name Month 1 29284830.86 Month 2 29886431.27 Month 3 39675057.10 Month 4 38515819.73 Month 5 38081175.23 Name: deposit_amount, dtype: float64
On average, Freedom debt relief charges a fee if 21.5% of the total amount of debt that they settle for their clients.
# Print the profit each month (deposit_amount * 0.215)
profit_per_month = df.groupby('month_name').deposit_amount.sum() * 0.215
# Print the profit each month
month_name Month 1 6.296239e+06 Month 2 6.425583e+06 Month 3 8.530137e+06 Month 4 8.280901e+06 Month 5 8.187453e+06 Name: deposit_amount, dtype: float64
# Plot the profit each month
title='Profit by Month',
ylabel='Profit (Millions)',
# Export the graph as a png
plt.savefig('./datasets/images/profit_by_month.png', bbox_inches="tight")
# Show the graph
# Find the difference in profit between month 3 and month 2
month_3_profit_increase = profit_per_month["Month 3"] - profit_per_month["Month 2"]
# Find the difference in profit between month 4 and month 2
month_4_profit_increase = profit_per_month["Month 4"] - profit_per_month["Month 2"]
# Find the difference in profit between month 5 and month 2
month_5_profit_increase = profit_per_month["Month 5"] - profit_per_month["Month 2"]
# Print the profit increase from before, during, and after marketing campaign
print(f'Profit increase between month 3 and month 2: {month_3_profit_increase:,.2f}')
print(f'Profit increase between month 4 and month 2: {month_4_profit_increase:,.2f}')
print(f'Profit increase between month 5 and month 2: {month_5_profit_increase:,.2f}')
# Determine average profit increase for months 3, 4, and 5
average_profit_increase = (month_3_profit_increase + month_4_profit_increase + month_5_profit_increase) / 3
# Print the average profit increase
print(f'Average profit increase: {average_profit_increase:,.2f} per month')
# Determine total profit for months 3, 4, and 5
total_profit_increase = month_3_profit_increase + month_4_profit_increase + month_5_profit_increase
# Print the total profit increase
print(f'Total profit increase: {total_profit_increase:,.2f} over 3 months')
Profit increase between month 3 and month 2: 2,104,554.55 Profit increase between month 4 and month 2: 1,855,318.52 Profit increase between month 5 and month 2: 1,761,869.95 Average profit increase: 1,907,247.67 per month Total profit increase: 5,721,743.02 over 3 months
We can see that, on average, the marketing campaign boosted profits by rougly $1.9 million per month.
Over month's 3, 4, and 5 the total profit was rougly $5.7 million. Given that the cost of the marketing campaign was $5 million we can see a $700,000 increase.
To further understand the cost/benefits of the marketing campaign, lets take a look at total profits over a 12 month period with or without the campaign.
We will calculate the average profit pre and post campaign and use these values to determine how much we expect total profit to increase each month.
# Average profit for months 1 and 2
avg_profit_before = (profit_per_month["Month 1"] + profit_per_month["Month 2"]) / 2
# Average profit for months 3, 4, and 5
avg_profit_after = (profit_per_month["Month 3"] + profit_per_month["Month 4"] + profit_per_month["Month 5"]) / 3
# Print the average profit before and after the marketing campaign
print(f'Average profit before the marketing campaign: {avg_profit_before:,.2f}')
print(f'Average profit after the marketing campaign: {avg_profit_after:,.2f}')
Average profit before the marketing campaign: 6,360,910.68 Average profit after the marketing campaign: 8,332,830.40
# Create a dataframe with 12 rows and 2 columns
hypothetical_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((12, 2)), columns=['no_campaign', 'campaign'])
# Set the starting value for no_campaign to 0
hypothetical_df['no_campaign'][0] = 0
# Set the starting value for campaign to -5,000,000
hypothetical_df['campaign'][0] = -5000000
# Set the value for month 1 for no campaign to 6,300,000 and campaign to the value of month 0 + 8,200,000
hypothetical_df['no_campaign'][1] = 6300000
hypothetical_df['campaign'][1] = hypothetical_df['campaign'][0] + 8200000
# Create a for loop to calculate the value for each month based on the previous month
for i in range(2, 12):
hypothetical_df['no_campaign'][i] = hypothetical_df['no_campaign'][i-1] + 6300000
hypothetical_df['campaign'][i] = hypothetical_df['campaign'][i-1] + 8200000
# Create a column for the difference in profit between the two scenarios
hypothetical_df['difference'] = hypothetical_df['campaign'] - hypothetical_df['no_campaign']
# Add 1 to each value in the index
hypothetical_df.index = hypothetical_df.index + 1
# Change the index name to month = 'month'
# Change values of month to Month 1, Month 2, etc.
hypothetical_df.index = x: f'Month {x}')
# View hypothetical_df
no_campaign | campaign | difference | |
month | |||
Month 1 | 0.0 | -5000000.0 | -5000000.0 |
Month 2 | 6300000.0 | 3200000.0 | -3100000.0 |
Month 3 | 12600000.0 | 11400000.0 | -1200000.0 |
Month 4 | 18900000.0 | 19600000.0 | 700000.0 |
Month 5 | 25200000.0 | 27800000.0 | 2600000.0 |
Month 6 | 31500000.0 | 36000000.0 | 4500000.0 |
Month 7 | 37800000.0 | 44200000.0 | 6400000.0 |
Month 8 | 44100000.0 | 52400000.0 | 8300000.0 |
Month 9 | 50400000.0 | 60600000.0 | 10200000.0 |
Month 10 | 56700000.0 | 68800000.0 | 12100000.0 |
Month 11 | 63000000.0 | 77000000.0 | 14000000.0 |
Month 12 | 69300000.0 | 85200000.0 | 15900000.0 |
We can see that by the 4th month the campaign is netting greater profit. In addition, the yearly difference would be $15,900,000 if our assumptions on profit per month are accurate.
# Plot the hypothetical_df
figsize=(10, 5),
title='Hypothetical Profit',
ylabel='Total Profit (Millions)',
ylim=(-5000000, 100000000),
yticks=np.arange(-5000000, 100000000, 10000000),
xlim=(0, 12),
xticks=np.arange(0, 12, 1),
# Export the graph as a png
plt.savefig('./datasets/images/hypothetical_profit.png', bbox_inches="tight")
# Create a line graph of the number of clients each month
df.groupby('month_name').client_id.count().plot(kind='bar', title='Number of Clients by Month')
plt.ylabel('Number of Clients')
# Export the graph as a png
plt.savefig('./datasets/images/number_of_clients_by_month.png', bbox_inches="tight")
# Show the graph
# Create a variable that stores unique clients from months 1 and 2
month_1_2 = df[df['month_name'].isin(['Month 1', 'Month 2'])].client_id.unique()
# Create a variable that stores unique clients from month 3
month_3 = df[df['month_name'].isin(['Month 3'])].client_id.unique()
# Print values
print(f'Unique clients prior to the start of the marketing campaign {len(month_1_2)}')
print(f'Unique clients immediately after the marketing campaign: {len(month_3)}')
# Print difference in unique clients over the course of the marketing campaign
print(f'There was an increase of {len(month_3) - len(month_1_2)} clients over the course of the marketing campaign.')
Unique clients prior to the start of the marketing campaign 34051 Unique clients immediately after the marketing campaign: 43806 There was an increase of 9755 clients over the course of the marketing campaign.
# Create a line graph of the number of deposits each month
df.groupby('month_name').deposit_amount.count().plot(kind='line', title='Number of Deposits by Month')
plt.ylabel('Number of Deposits')
# Create a variable that stores unique deposits from months 1 and 2
month_1_2 = df[df['month_name'].isin(['Month 1', 'Month 2'])].deposit_amount.unique()
# Create a variable that stores unique deposits from month 3
month_3 = df[df['month_name'].isin(['Month 3'])].deposit_amount.unique()
# Print values
print(f'Unique deposits prior to the start of the marketing campaign {len(month_1_2)}')
print(f'Unique deposits immediately after the marketing campaign: {len(month_3)}')
# Print difference in unique deposits over the course of the marketing campaign
print(f'There was an increase of {len(month_3) - len(month_1_2)} deposits over the course of the marketing campaign.')
Unique deposits prior to the start of the marketing campaign 1757 Unique deposits immediately after the marketing campaign: 2090 There was an increase of 333 deposits over the course of the marketing campaign.
# Create a line graph that visualizes the number of deposits by deposit type each month
df.groupby(['month_name', 'deposit_type']).deposit_type.count().unstack().plot(kind='line', title='Number of Deposits by Deposit Type Each Month')
plt.ylabel('Number of Deposits')
Question 2¶
How can the marketing campaign be improved?¶
Overall, the marketing campaign was very successful and showed significant increases across the areas measured.
One way to improve the marketing campaign would be to identify individuals who typically pay more and/or were likely to join the service as a result of the campaign
# Bin clients by age
df['client_age'] = pd.cut(df['client_age'],
bins=[0, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100],
labels=['0-20', '21-30', '31-40', '41-50', '51-60', '61-70', '71-80', '81-90', '91-100'])
# Create a graph that visualizes how unique clients are stratified by age
df.groupby('client_age').client_id.nunique().plot(kind='bar', title='Number of Unique Clients by Age')
plt.ylabel('Number of Unique Clients')
# Create a graph that visualizes how total deposit amount are stratified by age over each month
df.groupby(['month_name', 'client_age']).deposit_amount.sum().unstack().plot(kind='line', title='Total Deposit Amount by Age Each Month')
# Move legend to the right
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)
# Add labels
plt.ylabel('Total Deposit Amount')
# Show plot
# Create a dataframe that shows the change in total deposit amount by age each month
age_df = df.groupby(['month_name', 'client_age']).deposit_amount.sum().unstack().diff()
client_age | 0-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 |
month_name | |||||||||
Month 1 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
Month 2 | 0.0 | 36475.26 | 175969.91 | 205030.04 | 70677.07 | 68975.76 | 21457.43 | 7141.00 | 16073.94 |
Month 3 | 0.0 | 552091.97 | 1820536.90 | 2540971.29 | 2396941.88 | 1506835.65 | 826569.69 | 144394.39 | -753.94 |
Month 4 | 0.0 | 27044.61 | -149727.45 | -292603.04 | -337438.61 | -252323.69 | -113422.51 | -39031.68 | -259.00 |
Month 5 | 0.0 | -60984.83 | -127508.48 | -81693.69 | -62890.53 | -96875.20 | -18353.12 | 14330.35 | -1107.00 |
# Create a dataframe that shows the percent change in total deposit amount by age each month
age_df_pct = df.groupby(['month_name', 'client_age']).deposit_amount.sum().unstack().pct_change() * 100
client_age | 0-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 |
month_name | |||||||||
Month 1 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
Month 2 | NaN | 4.936282 | 4.101104 | 3.051522 | 0.924891 | 1.186887 | 0.658963 | 0.926657 | 30.214173 |
Month 3 | NaN | 71.201200 | 40.757401 | 36.698167 | 31.079314 | 25.624444 | 25.217979 | 18.565405 | -1.088346 |
Month 4 | NaN | 2.037276 | -2.381426 | -3.091440 | -3.337909 | -3.415643 | -2.763525 | -4.232660 | -0.377992 |
Month 5 | NaN | -4.502275 | -2.077506 | -0.890653 | -0.643589 | -1.357751 | -0.459880 | 1.622690 | -1.621717 |
# Create a dataframe that shows the number of unique clients by age each month
client_age_df = df.groupby(['month_name', 'client_age']).client_id.nunique().unstack()
# View client_age_df
client_age | 0-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 |
month_name | |||||||||
Month 1 | 0 | 1145 | 5258 | 7269 | 7923 | 6125 | 3507 | 847 | 63 |
Month 2 | 0 | 1214 | 5427 | 7394 | 8058 | 6219 | 3525 | 850 | 67 |
Month 3 | 0 | 2061 | 7576 | 9987 | 10629 | 7973 | 4481 | 1014 | 82 |
Month 4 | 0 | 1934 | 7060 | 9322 | 9899 | 7434 | 4170 | 945 | 73 |
Month 5 | 0 | 1897 | 7039 | 9297 | 9881 | 7406 | 4177 | 945 | 73 |
# Calculate percent change in unique clients by age each month as a dataframe
percent_change = df.groupby(['month_name', 'client_age']).client_id.nunique().unstack().pct_change() *100
client_age | 0-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 |
month_name | |||||||||
Month 1 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
Month 2 | NaN | 6.026201 | 3.214150 | 1.719631 | 1.703900 | 1.534694 | 0.513259 | 0.354191 | 6.349206 |
Month 3 | NaN | 69.769357 | 39.598305 | 35.068975 | 31.906180 | 28.203891 | 27.120567 | 19.294118 | 22.388060 |
Month 4 | NaN | -6.162057 | -6.810982 | -6.658656 | -6.868003 | -6.760316 | -6.940415 | -6.804734 | -10.975610 |
Month 5 | NaN | -1.913133 | -0.297450 | -0.268183 | -0.181837 | -0.376648 | 0.167866 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
# Plot the client residence status each month
df.groupby(['month_name', 'client_residence_status']).client_id.count().unstack().plot(
title='Number of Owners vs Renters Each Month',
ylabel='Number of Clients',
# Calculate the percent change in client residence status each month
client_residence_status_df = df.groupby(['month_name', 'client_residence_status']).client_id.count().unstack().pct_change() * 100
# View client_residence_status_df
client_residence_status | Own | Rent |
month_name | ||
Month 1 | NaN | NaN |
Month 2 | 2.581073 | 4.253681 |
Month 3 | 37.651029 | 29.403841 |
Month 4 | -1.779635 | 1.309560 |
Month 5 | -1.139376 | -0.828610 |
# Plot client residence status based on age
df.groupby(['client_age', 'client_residence_status']).client_id.count().unstack().plot(
title='Client Residence Status by Age',
ylabel='Number of Clients',
# View the number of owners between the ages of 21-30 at month 2
young_owners_before = df[(df['client_age'] == '21-30') & (df['client_residence_status'] == 'Own') & (df['month_name'] == 'Month 2')].client_id.count()
# Print the number of owners between the ages of 21-30 at month 2
print(f'There were {young_owners_before} owners between the ages of 21-30 at month 2.')
# View the number of owners between the ages of 21-30 at month 3
young_owners_after = df[(df['client_age'] == '21-30') & (df['client_residence_status'] == 'Own') & (df['month_name'] == 'Month 3')].client_id.count()
# Print the number of owners between the ages of 21-30 at month 3
print(f'There were {young_owners_after} owners between the ages of 21-30 at month 3.')
There were 1359 owners between the ages of 21-30 at month 2. There were 2714 owners between the ages of 21-30 at month 3.
# Create graph of deposit types by age
df.groupby(['client_age', 'deposit_type']).deposit_type.count().unstack().plot(
title='Number of Deposits by Deposit Type by Age')
# Move legend to the right
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)
# SHow plot
# Create a variable that stores the total number of clients between the ages of 41 and 60 before teh marketing campaign
clients_before = df[(df['client_age'] >= '41-50') & (df['client_age'] <= '51-60') & (df['month_name'] == 'Month 2')].client_id.nunique()
# Create a variable that stores the total number of clients between the ages of 41 and 60 after the marketing campaign
clients_after = df[(df['client_age'] >= '41-50') & (df['client_age'] <= '51-60') & (df['month_name'] == 'Month 3')].client_id.nunique()
# Calculate the increase in clients between the ages of 41 and 60
clients_increase = clients_after - clients_before
# Calculate the total increase in clients after the marketing campaign
clients_total_increase = df[(df['month_name'] == 'Month 3')].client_id.nunique() - df[(df['month_name'] == 'Month 2')].client_id.nunique()
# Print the increase in clients between the ages of 41 and 60
print(f'The increase in clients between the ages of 41 and 60: {clients_increase}')
# Print the total increase in clients
print(f'The total increase in clients: {clients_total_increase}')
# Print the percentage of clients between the ages of 41 and 60
print(f'The percentage of clients between the ages of 41 and 60: {round(clients_increase / clients_total_increase * 100, 2)}%')
The increase in clients between the ages of 41 and 60: 5164 The total increase in clients: 11049 The percentage of clients between the ages of 41 and 60: 46.74%
# Create a variable that stores the total number of clients between the ages of 21 and 30 before the marketing campaign
clients_before = df[(df['client_age'] >= '21-30') & (df['client_age'] < '31-40') & (df['month_name'] == 'Month 2')].client_id.nunique()
# Create a variable that stores the total number of clients between the ages of 21 and 30 after the marketing campaign
clients_after = df[(df['client_age'] >= '21-30') & (df['client_age'] < '31-40') & (df['month_name'] == 'Month 3')].client_id.nunique()
# Calculate the increase in clients between the ages of 21 and 30
clients_increase = clients_after - clients_before
# Calculate the total increase in clients after the marketing campaign
clients_total_increase = df[(df['month_name'] == 'Month 3')].client_id.nunique() - df[(df['month_name'] == 'Month 2')].client_id.nunique()
# Print the increase in clients between the ages of 21 and 30
print(f'The increase in clients between the ages of 21 and 30: {clients_increase}')
# Print the total increase in clients
print(f'The total increase in clients: {clients_total_increase}')
# Print the percentage of clients between the ages of 21 and 30
print(f'The percentage of clients between the ages of 21 and 30: {round(clients_increase / clients_total_increase * 100, 2)}%')
The increase in clients between the ages of 21 and 30: 847 The total increase in clients: 11049 The percentage of clients between the ages of 21 and 30: 7.67%
# Calculate the average deposit amount by age and by deposit type
df.groupby(['client_age', 'deposit_type']).deposit_amount.mean().unstack()
deposit_type | Actual Deposit | Scheduled Deposit |
client_age | ||
0-20 | NaN | NaN |
21-30 | 250.046130 | 242.563669 |
31-40 | 315.965341 | 310.204116 |
41-50 | 365.061566 | 352.915622 |
51-60 | 377.105370 | 368.278941 |
61-70 | 400.540748 | 386.319253 |
71-80 | 458.414268 | 450.887682 |
81-90 | 466.379423 | 469.820519 |
91-100 | 504.666478 | 474.071429 |
# Calculate the median deposit amount by age and by deposit type
df.groupby(['client_age', 'deposit_type']).deposit_amount.median().unstack()
deposit_type | Actual Deposit | Scheduled Deposit |
client_age | ||
0-20 | NaN | NaN |
21-30 | 200.0 | 200.0 |
31-40 | 248.0 | 250.0 |
41-50 | 282.0 | 284.0 |
51-60 | 294.0 | 296.0 |
61-70 | 312.0 | 314.0 |
71-80 | 386.0 | 390.0 |
81-90 | 394.0 | 397.0 |
91-100 | 407.0 | 407.0 |
# Calculate the average deposit amount by age and by deposit cadence
df.groupby(['client_age', 'deposit_cadence']).deposit_amount.mean().unstack()
deposit_cadence | Biweekly | Extra | Monthly |
client_age | |||
0-20 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
21-30 | 163.460743 | 382.058385 | 338.690448 |
31-40 | 213.145112 | 526.570995 | 420.034310 |
41-50 | 241.946994 | 780.741702 | 471.509504 |
51-60 | 248.293374 | 724.917044 | 480.037514 |
61-70 | 248.961719 | 885.670087 | 461.223083 |
71-80 | 246.312206 | 775.123328 | 471.051333 |
81-90 | 303.862745 | 544.921188 | 476.126951 |
91-100 | NaN | 1912.882222 | 469.185129 |
# Plot the average deposit amount by age and by deposit cadence with error bars
df.groupby(['client_age', 'deposit_cadence']).deposit_amount.mean().unstack().plot(
title='Average Deposit Amount by Age and Deposit Cadence',
ylabel='Average Deposit Amount',
yerr=df.groupby(['client_age', 'deposit_cadence']).deposit_amount.std().unstack(),
# Calculate the median deposit amount by age and by deposit cadence
df.groupby(['client_age', 'deposit_cadence']).deposit_amount.median().unstack()
deposit_cadence | Biweekly | Extra | Monthly |
client_age | |||
0-20 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
21-30 | 141.0 | 191.0 | 288.0 |
31-40 | 179.0 | 240.0 | 354.0 |
41-50 | 202.0 | 260.0 | 400.0 |
51-60 | 210.5 | 284.0 | 408.0 |
61-70 | 210.0 | 286.0 | 388.0 |
71-80 | 205.0 | 300.0 | 404.0 |
81-90 | 255.0 | 335.0 | 400.0 |
91-100 | NaN | 300.0 | 407.0 |